Beginning February 14, 2024, the season of Lent is a season of fasting, prayer and almsgiving.
Let us join together during this Holy season of Lent to journey with each other toward the Easter Sacraments. Please join us for any and all of these upcoming events! Know that our parish is praying for you during this Lenten season.
Ash Wednesday Liturgy – Feb 14, 2024
11am – 1 pm Ecumenical ash distribution at ARH hospital chapel
7 pm – Mass with Ash Distribution
Holy Week Liturgies March 24-30, 2024
Sunday March 24
Palm Sunday Mass – 11:30 am at Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Church
Palm Sunday Mass celebrates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as Holy Week begins. There will be a blessing of palms and a procession to the church weather permitting.
Holy Week Cantata – 6:00 p.m. at New Hope Church ( 407 Gorman Hollow Road, Hazard, KY, )
Listen to singers and musicians from the community as they preform songs of Holy Week.
Teen Disciples – 5:00 p.m – 6:30 p.m. at Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Church
All teens will meet for a mini retreat to help them prepare for Easter. All students in grades 7 -12 are welcome.
Tuesday, April 4
Chrism Mass – 10:30 am Cathedral of Christ the King (299 Colony Blvd, Lexington, KY)
The Chrism Mass is where the sacramental oils are blessed by Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv. for use in the Diocese of Lexington. Parishes/missions are invited to have a representative carry their parish/mission
banner as well as have a designee receive the holy oils to be taken back to the parish.
Wednesday, April 5
Becoming Catholic Retreat – 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm at Mother of Good Counsel
This time of prayer and reflection is an opportunity for those coming into full communion with the church to prepare for the upcoming Triduum. Please register if you plan to attend this event.
Tenebrae – 8:00 pm Cathedral of Christ the King (299 Colony Blvd, Lexington, KY)
Tenebrae is a beautiful service of prayer and song in which candles and lights are slowly extinguished as
we meditate on Christ’s great sacrifice on the cross. Everyone in the diocese is invited as this is a
great way to prepare for the Sacred Triduum!
The Sacred Triduum
Thursday, April 6
Simple Supper – 5:30 pm at Mother of Good Counsel
Join the parish community as we begin these sacred days with a simple meal.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7:00 pm at Mother of Good Counsel
This Mass celebrates Jesus’ last supper with his followers and concludes with the option of an hour of Eucharistic Adoration.
Friday, April 7
Good Friday Service – 7:00 pm at Mother of Good Counsel
The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion is the central celebration of this day. This simple liturgy includes readings from scripture, veneration of the cross and reception of the Eucharist.
Saturday, April 8
Easter Vigil – 8:00 pm at Mother of Good Counsel
This Mass is the most beautiful liturgy in the Roman Catholic Church. It is a liturgy made up of four mains parts, the service of light, liturgy of the word, sacraments of initiation, and liturgy of the Eucharist where the church remembers its history and welcomes new members to the church.
Sunday, April 9
Easter Sunday – 9:00 am Mass & 11:00 am Mass
Join Mother of Good Counsel in this celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus and what begins the Octave of Easter and the 50 days of the Easter season. The 11:00 am Mass will be live streamed on Facebook.
Ecumenical Holy Week Service from the Perry County Ministerial Fellowship April 3-7, 2023
Each service begins at noon with a light lunch, music and short reflection. Spend your lunch break in prayer and fellowship.
Monday : New Hope Church ( 407 Gorman Hollow Road, Hazard, KY)
Tuesday: Hazard First Baptist ( 560 Main St, Hazard, KY)
Wednesday: Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Church ( 329 Poplar St. Hazard, KY)
Thursday : New Hope Church ( 407 Gorman Hollow Road, Hazard, KY)
Friday: Consolidated Baptist Church ( 180 Winterberry St, Hazard, KY)

A Catholic Guide to Holy Week Symbols — Ever wonder what exactly the palm branches used on Palm Sunday represent? Or why the Easter Vigil begins with a fire? This guide explains all of that and more.
Holy Week Around the World — Holy Week is a worldwide celebration, with many cultures honoring the occasion in many different ways. Here, read about the celebrations in Spain, the Philippines, and more.

Prayer .Fasting. Giving
CRS Rice Bowl — “CRS Rice Bowl is a staple on the table of Catholic families across the country during Lent. This simple cardboard box is a tool for collecting Lenten alms—and comes with a Lenten calendar that guides families through the 40 days of Lent with activities, reflections and stories.”
Way of the Cross (General)
Online Stations of the Cross. Creighton University Online Ministry.
Mary’s Way of the Cross. (Little Sisters of the Poor)
Meditations from the Pope’s Annual Good Friday Way of the Cross (Official Vatican)
Scriptural Stations of the Cross for Lent (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Stations of the Cross by James E. Adams (Friars of the Atonement)
Stations of the Cross Booklet (Grotto Network 2021)
Stations of the Cross for Children (Loyola Press)
Stations of the Cross/Reflections by St. Alphonsus Liguori (Video/CatholicLink)
Stations of the Cross/Reflections by St. Francis of Assisi. (Video/Catholic Link)
Stations of the Cross for Married Couples by Daniel Allen (For Your Marriage)
Stations of the Cross for the Elderly (Our Sunday Visitor)
Stations of the Cross in the Spirit of “Laudato Si”(International Union of Superiors General 2020)
Stations of the Cross for Those in Poor Health (BustedHalo)
Way of the Cross for Grieving Persons (Diocese of Wichita)
Way of the Cross Virtual Tour (
Virtual Stations of the Cross (BustedHalo)
Way of the Cross (Social Justice Themes)
Economic and Ecological Way of the Cross. (Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns)
Social Justice Way of the Cross (Catholic Relief Services)
Stations of the Cross for Overcoming Racism (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Stations of the Cross (Food for the Poor)
Stations of the Cross in Solidarity with the Persecuted Church. Archbishop Samir Nassar (Independent
Catholic News 2018
Way of Asylum. Art by Michelina Nicotera-Taxiera (Kino Border Initiative 2020)
Examinations of Conscience
Traditional Examination of Conscience Based on the Ten Commandments(U.S. Conference
of Catholic Bishops)
Short Examination of Conscience (Loyola Press)
Examination of Conscience for Children (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Examination of Conscience for Young Adults (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Examination of Conscience for Single Persons (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Examination of Conscience for Married Couples (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Examination of Conscience Based on the Beatitudes (St. Mary College)
Examination of Conscience Based on Catholic Social Teaching (U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops)
Examination of Conscience Based on the Ignatian Examen (Catholic Parishes in Waterloo)
Examination of Conscience Based on the Theological Virtues. John Hardon SJ. (Catholic Education
Resource Centre)
Examination of Conscience Based on the Works of Mercy (Catholic Parishes in Waterloo)
Consciousness Examen. George Ashenbrenner SJ (Ignatian Spirituality)