Congratulations on your engagement!  It is never too earlier to begin to prepare for your marriage.  You must make arrangements at least six months before your proposed wedding date; in fact a year before the proposed wedding date is better.  There is much to do in preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage and we are delighted you want to celebrate this Sacrament of Marriage here, at Mother of Good Counsel, with your faith community.  To make an appointment with the Parish Life Director, call the church office at 606.436.2533.  They will take you through the necessary steps required by the Catholic Diocese of Lexington. If either party individual is under 18 years of age, be aware that there are special guidelines required by the Church.  As you look forward to this wonderful occasion continue to pray for discernment and guidance.

“Marriage preparation should be a kind of ‘initiation’ to the sacrament of matrimony, providing couples with the help they need to receive the sacrament worthily and to make a solid beginning of life as a family “

These words of Pope Francis, from his encyclical The Joy of Love, reflect the concern that the Catholic Church has for marriage, especially in light of contemporary cultural influences that sometimes undermine marriage. It is for this reason that we require all engaged couples to invest time and energy in an intentional program of marriage preparation.

Marriage preparation in the Diocese of Lexington involves a five step process, to be married. See the marriage preparation process from the Diocesan office on Marriage and Family Life.