Become a Parishioner

Welcome to Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community! It is through your presence, that Mother of Good Counsel is able to provide compelling liturgy, invaluable outreach services, rewarding volunteer opportunities, and spiritual nourishment for our greater community.  

Our current generation of parishioners join with those of the past in striving to build an experience of Catholic presence in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. We bring Christ and the teachings of the Catholic faith to one another and the larger community in a ways that draws us together as a supportive family, while reaching out with a genuine concern for all people. Mother of Good Counsel is genuinely welcoming, mission oriented, and Christ centered. We welcome men and women, people of all races and ethnicities, young and old, gay and straight. We welcome rich and poor, searchers and seekers, Catholics and people of other religious traditions. We are gifted by your presence.