Called to Mission
Catholic Diocese of Lexington Mission Statement
Mother of Good Counsel Parish Mission Statement
Guided by the Holy Spirit,
we witness to Christ’s saving love
as disciples and missionaries in the
fifty counties of our mission Diocese.
As a Eucharistic people,
we celebrate the sacraments,
promote justice in word and deed,
minister to the spiritual and material needs of all,
and evangelize by living and sharing
the Word of God and the teachings
of the Catholic Church.
Promulgated December 8, 2007
Inspired and sustained in our Catholic faith through life-giving worship, we Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community, have as our mission to bring Christ and the teachings of the Catholic faith to one another and the larger community in a ways that draws us together as a supportive family, yet reaches out with a genuine concern for all people, so that we can be authentic witnesses in an area where Catholics are few in number.